To start your new construction project please fill out the online water availability application (

If you had any questions with the application or new construction process, the new service department is located at:

4060 Sunrise Highway, Oakdale, NY 11769, and the phone number is: (631) 218-1148

Generally, most new construction projects occur on undeveloped parcels of land in which roadways are constructed. This, therefore, requires the installation of new water main, fire hydrants, and service lines. It also may necessitate the installation of backflow prevention devices (RPZ) for compliance with Suffolk County Health Department regulations.

Sometimes, the project may be located on a public road where the Authority has existing water supply which will provide adequate supply for the new construction. In this case, water service will consist of the domestic service line, backflow protection, and possibly fire sprinkler service.

For water main extensions, the developer/builder must enter into a contract with the Authority to have the main, fire hydrants, and other appurtenances installed. Detailed site plans, easement information, fire hydrant locations, and service line locations must be supplied to the New Service Department for review.

A site plan is required, which includes tax map numbers and tie-ins to the nearest existing cross streets. In addition, easement descriptions for all roadways, flow demand, drainage plans, and backflow design plans are required. For water main extensions, a contract and hydrant agreement must be executed. Contract packages, which include easement information, hydrant locations, and other requirements, must be returned complete with the execution of the contract. Incomplete packages will not be accepted.

Schedule of new construction fees:

Water Main Installation

New construction and commercial properties are based on actual costs.

Tapping Fees

Installation of meter vault on an existing 1" service cost is $1,050

1" water service.....................................$4,500 (includes vault)

1 1/2" ..................................................$6,500







Services over 4" require DT201 meter vault which is installed at your expense

*Additional fees are required for full flow meters 4" or larger.

**May be subject to additional costs if method of install is by open cut or directional bore in addition to restoration fees..

Inspection fee........................................No charge (first inspection)

Service line reinspection.........................$25 each

** State & county roads may be subject to additional directional boring or open cut costs and restoration fees.

Public Fire Hydrants 

Fire hydrant annual rental........................$169.95 per hydrant

Special Service Area Fees

Delimited areas......................................Established area rate

Surcharges............................................Established contract rate

What are the stages of the water main installation process?

  • Fill out the online water availability application (
  • Obtain a cost estimate
  • Provide fire hydrant location information and fire district approval
  • Request a contract
  • Execute contract and return with payment
  • File your backflow application with the cross-connection department (if applicable)
  • Provide easement information or pay easement deposit to allow for main installation while waiting for recorded easements
  • Prepare your site -- install all curbs, drainage, mark service line and hydrant locations, grade all roadways (Appendix 1)
  • Submit Site Preparation Form to our Construction Department (Bottom of "New Construction" page)
  • Remit tapping/service line fees
  • Pipe line inspector will inspect your site for readiness
  • Water main installation is scheduled after site readiness has been verified
  • Water main installation
  • Chlorination of water main
  • Bacteriological sample sent to our laboratory
  • Sample passes, main is plugged and put "in service"
  • Service orders are released to our Construction Department
  • Taps are installed from the water main to the property line

Frequently Asked Questions

What steps must I take to get water to my project?

Generally, most new construction projects occur on undeveloped parcels of land in which roadways are constructed. This, therefore, requires the installation of new water main, fire hydrants, and service lines. It also may necessitate the installation of backflow prevention devices (RPZ) for compliance with Suffolk County Health Department regulations.

Sometimes, the project may be located on a public road where the Authority has existing water supply which will provide adequate supply for the new construction. In this case, water service will consist of the domestic service line, backflow protection, and possibly fire sprinkler service.

For water main extensions, the developer/builder must enter into a contract with the Authority to have the main, fire hydrants, and other appurtenances installed. Detailed site plans, easement information, fire hydrant locations, and service line locations must be supplied to the New Service Department for review. The Authority's New Service Department is the contact point and information source for the installation process. It is important, therefore, to contact the New Service Department in your project area early in the design stage of your project.


Who can I talk to?

The New Service Department is the source for all the new construction information and transaction processing. When contacting the Authority, ask for the New Service Department. A New Service representative will guide you through the application and new construction process. For water main extensions, one of our new service managers will oversee your project. The New Service Department is located at:

New Construction Service
4060 Sunrise Hwy
Oakdale, NY 11769
(631) 218-1148


What paperwork do I need to provide and complete?

A site plan is required, which includes tax map numbers and tie-ins to the nearest existing cross streets. In addition, easement descriptions for all roadways, flow demand, drainage plans, and backflow design plans are required. For water main extensions, a contract and hydrant agreement must be executed. Contract packages, which include easement information, hydrant locations, and other requirements, must be returned complete with the execution of the contract. Incomplete packages will not be accepted.

What jobsite preparation is required?

To ensure proper installation, the job site must be prepared before our inspector visits the site. All roadways must be on grade with grade stakes installed as appropriate. All service line and hydrant locations must be marked by painting the location on the curb and staking the property line. Drainage and curbing must be installed before we can begin.

The Jobsite Preparation Form, which is included in the contract packet, MUST be faxed to our Construction Department as soon as the site has been prepared. Our site inspector will inspect your project only after the form has been received.


What special requirements are necessary for commercial buildings?

Commercial buildings often require additional service. This may include fire sprinkler service, master metering, and backflow prevention devices (e.g. reduced pressure zone device, RPZ). It is important to discuss your specific needs with our New Service Department. Our representative will guide you through the process along with assistance from a new service manager as needed.


When do I need easements?

Easements are required whenever our water main is to be installed on private property. Generally, the water main is installed only within the public right-of-ways; however, there are instances where private property installations are necessary.

Easements are required for all new subdivision roadways that have not been dedicated to the town. The developer must submit four (4) site maps, along with the easement metes and bounds description, and two (2) copies of our Deed and Mortgage F114 to our New Service Department which will be forwarded to our easement attorney for processing.

In the case of subdivisions requiring easements, the Authority can provide a supplemental agreement to the water main contract. Under the terms of the supplemental agreement, we will begin easement work and construction drawings in consideration of 10% of the contract price (minimum deposit $2,500) against the total contract amount. Once easements are cleared, we will notify you that the remainder of the contract amount is due and that the Authority is ready to proceed with the installation, subject to site preparation.


What is necessary for fire hydrant installation?

In general, the local fire district's board of fire commissioners must approve all hydrant locations. An approval letter must be signed by the fire commissioner and returned to the New Service Department,, along with a map indicating the approved hydrant locations. The project will not proceed until hydrant locations are approved by the local fire commissioner.

After the hydrant locations have been approved, the developer must enter into a hydrant rental agreement with the Authority to cover the rental cost of hydrants installed on private roadways. For roadways which will be dedicated to the town, the term of this agreement is six (6) years, or until the hydrant rental is assumed by a public fire protection agency, during which time title to the roadway(s) will be transferred to the town.

Fire protection agreements are also required for private hydrants that are not metered. One of our customer service managers will assist you in this procedure.


What if I only need a service line(s)?

Before a service line can be installed, it must be verified that a water main of adequate size currently exists on the roadway adjacent to the site. To do this please fill out our online water availability application ( Additional costs are required for full flow meters.

Once the above has been completed, application for service can be made by completing an application card and submitting the appropriate fee(s). (See above.)


What are the installation requirements for house service lines?

All house service lines must be installed according to the Authority's Rules & Regulations. Each installation MUST be inspected by our representative before being backfilled. Only licensed plumbers can install house service lines. (See Appendix 3 for installation and inspection details.)


Do I need a backflow prevention device?

On all new residential homes, the Authority installs a dual check valve on the outlet side of the meter. This provides protection for most residential situations.

Backflow prevention is required for all commercial domestic services as well as all firelines.

Contact our Cross Connection Control Department early on to determine if you will need to install a backflow prevention device.

Click to download our RPZ Booklet

More info on Backflow Devices