Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are not currently scheduling tours for the Education Center.
The Education Center celebrates SCWA’s history, provides a glimpse into the future of the public water supply and, most importantly, teaches the public about the vital role they play in protecting our most precious resource—our underground drinking water supply.
The SCWA Education Center is located at 260 Motor Parkway in Hauppauge
Tour Schedule:
Education Center Tours are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month.
Regular Tour Hours:
Education Center Tours begin at 2:00, 3:00 and 4:00.
COVID-19 Safety Precautions:
-Maximum of 15 visitors per tour.
Tours are FREE but registration is required.
There are several ways to schedule your tour:
1) Fill out the form below and click "submit"
2) Call the SCWA Education Center reservation line at 631-292-6565
3) Email EdCenterTours@SCWA.com
4) Send us a direct message on Facebook or Twitter

NEW at the SCWA Education Center is an interactive water testing display, water infrastructure equipment making their Education Center debuts and other surprising ways we can all appreciate the importance of water.
Visitors will learn about Long Island’s sole source aquifer and its role in the water cycle, while also examining real aquifer sediments extracted from the various geologic layers of the aquifer system. SCWA’s water treatment exhibit includes a live demonstration on Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) treatment and how the carbon removes various contaminants from the water supply.
After the tour, children can "make their own aquifer" in our Water Workshop and challenge their friends in SCWA’s live water quiz game.

Additional exhibits include the evolution of water main, water quality/quantity monitoring technology, AOP (advanced oxidation process) display, water testing and lab technology, as well as advancements in meter reading. Explore the Pine Barrens Corridor, chronicling the rich history of Suffolk’s largest open space preserve, as you learn about Long Island’s premier ecosystem and one of the Northeast’s greatest natural treasures.

Please include the number of people in your party as well as their names. There is a minimum of 6 visitors per tour and a maximum of 15 visitors per tour. You will be contacted if your tour needs to be rescheduled.
If you plan on bringing children, we ask that you please indicate their age(s) in the appropriate field, as we do alter the tour program slightly based on age groups. Thank you for your interest in the Suffolk County Water Authority Education Center!
If a tour time is not available on the drop-down menu, that means that the tour is at full capacity and no more spots are available.