SCWA Adopts Odd/Even Lawn Watering

The Suffolk County Water Authority has a longstanding commitment to the conservation of groundwater resources. We have recently added to this legacy with a policy approved by our Board adopting odd/even lawn watering. Under this policy, customers with odd-numbered addresses may only water their lawns on odd-numbered days of the month and customers with even-numbered addresses may only water their lawns on even-numbered days of the month. Additionally, watering is not allowed between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when most water applied to a lawn will evaporate and thus be wasted.

We have taken these measures in order to ensure the long-term sustainability of the sole source aquifer that provides 100% of Long Island’s drinking water. Additionally, if a substantial number of customers adopt odd/even lawn watering it will reduce the need to build additional water infrastructure to meet peak demand.

In addition to odd/even lawn watering, the SCWA Board has recently increased the amount customers can receive as account credits for the purchase of various water-saving devices. We also offer WaterWise Checkups, free one-on-one consultations between you and one of our water use experts to help you assess your water use and learn to use less in your daily life.

