October 10, 2024 10:51 AM
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The Suffolk County Water Authority released the latest episode of its podcast, What About Water, hosted by SCWA CEO Jeff Szabo. Featured on the episode is a discussion with Suffolk County Executive Ed Romaine. In the podcast, the two address his history of supporting public drinking water and how the expansion of the Drinking Water Protection Program will positively impact Suffolk County.


The conversation highlights Romaine’s role in securing a historic water protection deal that aims to enhance Suffolk County's sewerage infrastructure and expand the use of Innovative/Alternative (I/A) septic systems in parts of the county where sewering isn’t viable. Proposition #2, which will be voted on in November, seeks to provide critical resources to upgrade outdated cesspools, reduce nitrogen pollution and safeguard the aquifer, ensuring the long-term sustainability of Suffolk County’s water supply. The plan is projected to generate $50-$55 million annually to support these major infrastructure investments.


With bipartisan support and endorsements from environmental organizations, Romaine’s advocacy underscores the importance of protecting Suffolk County's natural resources for future generations. The episode highlights these issues and the role this referendum plays in maintaining clean drinking water for the region.


Listeners can access the episode by visiting www.scwa.com/podcast or on all major streaming platforms.


About SCWA:


The Suffolk County Water Authority is an independent public-benefit corporation operating under the authority of the Public Authorities Law of the State of New York. Serving approximately 1.2 million Suffolk County residents, the Authority operates without taxing power on a not-for-profit basis.

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