March 31, 2023 10:58 AM

More than 5,000 feet of P.V.C. pipe will be replaced with larger pipe to improve the flow of water and water pressure in the neighborhood. Last June, the Shelter Island Town Board approved a long-term agreement tapping SCWA to manage the West Neck Water District for the next 40 years. In addition to managing the day-to-day operations of the district’s public supply wells, SCWA will replace the neighborhood’s water distribution network including installing new water main and making improvements to its electrical system.

Projects such as these show our commitment to our agreement with Shelter Island and to safe and high quality drinking water across our service territory.

From left to right, Pipeline Inspector John Meyers, Shelter Island Town Supervisor Gerry Siller, Deputy CEO for Operations Joe Pokorny, SCWA Chairman Patrick Halpin and Shelter Island Town Engineer Joseph Finora.

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