January 31, 2023 04:30 PM
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The Board of the Suffolk County Water Authority last week passed two resolutions targeted at stronger conservation policies for the residents of Suffolk County. The resolutions were adopted after the Water Authority’s Chairman, Patrick G. Halpin, directed staff to enhance the agency’s long standing conservation programs.  The need for stronger conservation policies became apparent during the summer of 2022 when there was a tremendous strain on the water system due to peak irrigation demand, excessive heat and drought conditions.  


Patrick Halpin, Chairman of the Suffolk County Water Authority said, “The conservation of water is essential to not only the operations of our water system, but to maintaining the natural resources we are grateful to have here on Long Island. The passage and implementation of these resolutions is a monumental action by the Suffolk County Water Authority, proving our commitment to providing the finest quality drinking water for not only our current customers, but all the customers to come.”


The two resolutions, to be implemented effective February 1, 2023 for all Suffolk County Water Authority customers:  


The first resolution mandates irrigation use based on an odd – even schedule combined with a prohibition of watering between the hottest parts of the day. Simply put, if your home or business is an odd number, you would water on odd days, and not on even days. If your home or business is an even number, you would water on even days.  No one is to water between the hours of 10am and 4pm. These are the hottest parts of the day, where water is least likely to penetrate your plants and grass, and simply evaporate off in the heat.  


The second resolution provides incentive for those residents who use water saving methods in and around their home. The Authority’s Water Wise Account Credit Program will allow the customer to now earn an account credit of up to two hundred and fifty dollars per account for a duration of three years, simply by purchasing water conserving devices, and utilizing them in the home. A simple rain sensor, pool cover, or smart irrigation device can save you on your water bill. Previously, the credit was limited to fifty dollars per account, and was a lifetime credit. The Authority has expanded the credit to other devices to encourage water conservation. 


While the natural aquifers we have here on Long Island are plentiful, they are not bottomless. Being cautious and mindful of how and when we use this precious resource will guarantee it is there for generations to come. These new policies are aimed to not only to conserve water and protect the water supply system, but also to educate the residents and public on water conservation practices,” said Suffolk County Water Authority Chief Executive Officer, Jeffrey Szabo.  


For more information on these new policies and how they affect YOU, and how YOU can help to conserve water, contact our Water Wise Checkup team at 631-292-6101.  

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