With the recent reports released by the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on lowering fluoride in drinking water, the Suffolk County Water Authority (SCWA) reminds residents that there has never been fluoride in the water that the Authority provides.
“Though many water providers are being scrutinized for their use of fluoride in drinking water, the Authority takes pride in its commitment to offering residents the safest and cleanest water possible and has never included fluoride in its water supply,” said Jeffrey Szabo, Chief Executive Officer of the Authority.
Although fluoride was added to water to prevent tooth decay, recent studies have shown that a high intake of fluoride may lead to fluorosis, which causes pitting and staining of the teeth. The HHS is proposing to limit the fluoride in water to 0.7 mg/L, while the current recommended amount ranges from 0.7 to 1.2 mg/L.
The Authority tests its water 24 hours a day, 365 days a year based on rigorous requirements that exceed local, state and federal quality standards. Testing procedures established at the Suffolk County Water Authority have even been adopted by the Environmental Protection Agency as well as other laboratories around the country.
The Suffolk County Water Authority is an independent, public-benefit corporation operating under the authority of the Public Authorities Law of the State of New York. Serving approximately 1.2 million Suffolk County residents, the Authority operates without taxing power on a not-for-profit basis