With continued hot and dry weather leading to excessive early morning water use that is pushing water infrastructure to its limits, the Suffolk County Water Authority is urging residents to immediately take steps to conserve water.
Though it is always important to conserve water, during hot and dry periods it is imperative to do so, as residents tend to overwater lawns and set their irrigation timers to the same period of time in the early morning hours. To make sure there is enough water for all residents as well as firefighters and other emergency services, residents are urged to:
- Water only on odd or even days. Lawns do not need to be watered daily. In fact, it can be counterproductive to a healthy lawn, as less frequent watering leads to deeper root growth.
- Set lawn irrigation timers to activate at times other than between 3 a.m. and 7 a.m., which is the time of peak water use. With so many people setting their timers to activate during these hours, water tanks can be nearly emptied by the end of the peak period. This can lead to insufficient water pressure.
- Use a rain sensor or smart sprinkler controller to properly manage lawn watering. These devices not only help to make sure you do not overwater your lawn, but they can save you money on your water bill. SCWA also offers account credits of up to $50 for the purchase of water-saving devices. One of our experts will even come to your home, free of charge, to assess your water use and provide you guidance about how to save water. You can find out more about SCWA’s WaterWise programs at this link: Schedule a Waterwise Checkup | Suffolk County Water Authority (scwa.com).
“If everyone pitches in, we’ll have plenty of water to meet the needs of Suffolk residents and emergency services,” said SCWA Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey Szabo. “So please do your part.”